1.3.3, Drone Suit

Good day. It has been a few months, and the amount of work done is not really proportionate to the time that has passed. Nevertheless, I would like to present a new update, the highlight of which is the drone suit project at the office job. More about that and other things below.


The drone suit project

A project of about the same length as the videogame. For the most part created by the very helpful Drone 001, and edited and polished up by your truly.

Has somewhat different mechanics and different choices on how to go about it, depending on which the project will be more or less difficult and the result will give stronger or weaker benefits. Also has at least one cosmetic choice. You can do both of the current projects in any order.

I’d like to feature the results of the project more in the game later and add more cosmetic choices to it, but I really would like to just put something out already.

Stress and Suspicion rework

These are closer to how they work in a certain other game and have more consequences now. Suspicion had no consequences at all before this, actually.

You may now keep working even if your stress is 3 or more, but if it gets to 5 you will be transported into a special place where you will have to lower it by sacrificing your primary stats, money or certain items.

Same thing with suspicion, it will now get the attention of the authorities and you will have to somehow shake them off. Also, more actions in the Expanding storyline will now raise or lower suspicion.

The game will warn you if either of these get too high, but you need to be careful, because the consequences are quite real.

Collapsing stories

You can now collapse/hide stories by using the arrow button at the right side of the story header, near the favourite button. In case there are stories you don’t want to see right now and would rather focus on other things.


  • When there is a random chance event you have not seen yet, the game will show a (!) sign next to the button. These are pretty important, after all
  • Fix several bugs regarding certain text not appearing due to a bug in library code
  • Fix resetting circumstance choices breaking the action log on page reload
  • Fix random events sometimes not appearing when you press the chance button
  • Properly show “Available because” for certain stories that had it missing
  • Fix gaining too much energy when spending the night after a certain social interaction

Recent fixes that happened after the release

  • Some dreams causing errors because of a wrong check. May have made those dreams not do things they were supposed to.
  • A videogame action having a broken requirement check function which may have caused other events to render wrong
  • Fix playing videogames taking 2x the money
  • Fix some buttons having wrong responses when failing
  • Fix putting on / taking off items with stats


rthd-1.3.3.zip Play in browser
75 days ago


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(1 edit)

okay how do I unlock the "chance for something greater" in part two of the drone suit design, I did almost everything in the game before that update and have done almost everything I can think of to make it work, only thing I haven't done is max out all 3 friendships yet or max out the rep of TV and radio

Check the Chance button at work and check the bookstore.


thank you!

how do we start the drone suit project ?

At work when you reach level 5, it should offer you to start a project. It’s one of the two. If you’ve already researched one of the projects, there should be an option at work to start a new project. If there isn’t, that is a bug.

Current live version still seems to have 1.3.2 number


You’re right. Forgot to update the version number. Should be good now.